Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Dedicated...or not so much.

Here I thought I was going to start a blog, write every day, and things would be great. Life apparently had other plans. We go from crazy to crazier here at the Cavalcanti household- but in a good way. So, today is the highlight edition... I hope you have a few minutes. Gulp- here we go!

We have been traveling and running around for over 2 weeks. We spent a week and a half for Easter at my parents' house in Warsaw, IN. We were on the job hunt for Erick, as we would love to relocate to the mid-west ASAP. We had a wonderful time with my parents and brother & fam. We colored eggs with the kids in special aprons made by Grandma Carol, we had Easter egg hunts, we played with toys, had puppet shows, etc etc.-- Fun for everyone!

My little nephew is getting SO big at over 6 months now, and i hadn't seen him since Christmas- what a treat. He is a bruiser and is almost the same height as Hannah and only a few pounds away from her in weight. My petite little thing is tough though. She holds her own very well. In fact, she is tugging my leg and saying, "Up up! Up up! Up up!" over and over and over.
After that travel, we were home for a week and a half before heading to Gainesville for a long weekend. Sueli, my sister-in-law, graduated from UF on Friday. It was a great trip for time spent with family and celebrating, as well as some play time too. Hannah even threw her first tantrum in the mall.

No really, it was loud. Erick and Friede went into GAP, and Hannah and I were TRYING to walk that way. She wanted to walk on her own and carry the bag with 2 boxes of shoes in it (which was hilarious to watch by the way). I would not let her walk all over the mall without holding my hand (as we had not brought her stroller- dumb), so she threw herself on the floor, kicked her legs, and screamed at the top of her lungs. No tears- just loud. When she does similar at home, we ignore her- so I did the same at the mall, with gritted teeth and a fake smile plastered on my face as people stared. One lady even gave me a pity smile and said with a sigh, "I remember those days." Another came by and offered to carry something for me, implying that I should pick up my child. I smiled graciously with venom behind it and said, "Oh, that is very sweet of you, but no thank you. We just started the terrible twos early." This episode lasted a few minutes, she finally calmed down a little, and we headed to the GAP, where once in the arms of Daddy, she was quiet as a mouse and our sweet pea once more.

I wish that was the last of the drama for this's not.
We left Sunday morning, after Sueli and Michael left for the airport to go to NYC. Note that they were gone. We got about an hour away and guess who realized she forgot her phone on the charger by the door? OH, it was me. My dear husband did not want to go back for it, so he just called Sueli to have someone come pick it up. Let's just say that is not as easy as it sounds after graduation in Gainesville. I'm told it has been sent, but I'm using a different phone now because it is Wednesday-we have not seen it yet.

Now we are home and I have Hayden and Hannah down for a nap. Hayden is sleeping peacefully and Hannah is talking in her crib. Hannah's newest trick is turning in circles. About a week ago we went to the park and there was a little 2 year old who was playing with Hannah. Her favorite thing to do was twirl around til she fell down giggling. Hannah's eyes were huge while watching, and she has been practicing ever since. I need to get photos/video of this phenomenon, because it is very funny. She is getting faster every day, but she turns around- giggle, turn around- giggle, turn around- giggle...fall down- giggle some more. The one thing she loves more than that is playing outside...


  1. I use to think I HAD to post every day....but quickly realized that its my blog, I make the rules and post when I want. LOL

    Great pictures. I like the family one where have of everyone in it has their eyes shut. HA! Gotta love life.

    I dont think i am doing my gym on Friday.... but then I kind of want to. I still need to call and get more info.Ill try today.

  2. I know, I laugh every time I see it. We had some other family pics, but that one makes me happiest, because it is random and everyone has that same "I can't see" look in their face. :)
