Saturday, March 28, 2009

Happy Saturday!

Hannah and I got up early this morning (she is my alarm clock) and went down to the city of Tamarac annual garage sale. It was outside in the city center parking lot. By 7:45 it was packed with people! We did AWESOME! I'm starting to collect clothes up to 2T so when Hannah gets to those sizes I won't have to pay full price out of necessity. WELL, I ended up with several cute little outfits that came from 2 booths, and lucky for me I was early, because I took the best and nicest outfits at the whole thing! Everything is really nice brands like Children's Place and Gap. Nothing has so much as a spot, and a few things were NEVER WORN. I asked them which things were the best, and they picked them out to show me proudly. I said yes or no, and tried to be very pleasant, with Hannah waving to them and showing her snacks the whole time. When I started collecting, I said, "Now, if I get this stuff, you are going to hook me up with a great price, right?" They said, "Of course!" and they held up their end of the bargain. My pile of clothes, a toy vacuum (story in a minute), and a toy phone all for $15.
I got her the toy vacuum, which smiles sweetly and sings to her, because she is deathly afraid of my vacuum. She cries the instant it comes out, no matter what I do. I didn't even have to show her how to use the toy. She already knew! I hope this helps!
I also got myself some mini-cupcake pans, still new in the package, and 3 Baby Einstein DVDs. We came home and I put one in- she could care less. I am so glad I paid $1 per dvd.
Now she is napping peacefully and I'm able to catch up on blogging and then maybe do a little baking before taking Hannah to the park.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like an awesome garage sale! Good idea on the clothes!! Jasper used to be afraid of the vacuum, too, but he got over it and yesterday, laid the handle back and sat on it and said it was a rocket!
